This is going to be the description for my announcement video, but I wanna do a blog post version too just to have it.
TLDR; this is an ad for my Patreon!
Starting this up is a pretty big deal, since I've been creating stuff online for a long time. I was able to go full-time around 2021 or so when I started doing pretty well with music commissions, and then I had a lucky surprise pivot to YouTube animation. The biggest reason I've not had to make a Patreon up until now is because I've been able to live with my parents. Thanks parents!!!! I am moving out now however, and the blunt force of adulthood's rent and bills and stuff is all about to hit me hard. I wanted to put off making a Patreon as long as possible, since ultimately I'd like just about everything I make to be in the public domain, but alas.
The good news is that I'm going to continue making free music for everyone to enjoy and use however they like, and that's never going to change. What is new is that I am now going to be offering stuff that I wouldn't have before for my Patrons to enjoy. This stuff includes extra video content, early release videos and games, assets from games, stuff like that. This way, nothing changes for the average enjoyer, but those with the means to support my work can enjoy some extra goodies too!
Anywho, I appreciate you all and I am looking forward to continue creating fun music, animation and games for you! If you're able to throw a couple bones my way, it would mean the world to me and keep the train rolling full-speed-ahead!
I hope you're able to support yourself with your Patreon. I may not have any money right now, but I do send lots of goof luck to you!
I appreciate you!