I make Flipnotes and royalty-free music.
I love Newgrounds.
Zane Little
- Level:
- 21
- Exp Points:
- 4,876 / 4,900
- Exp Rank:
- Vote Power:
- 6.33 votes
- Audio Scouts
- 3
- Art Scouts
- 4
- Rank:
- Police Officer
- Global Rank:
- Blams:
- 162
- Saves:
- 812
- B/P Bonus:
- 10%
- Trophies:
- 28
- Medals:
- 334
- Supporter:
- 8y 8m 16d
Movie Trophies
Daily Feature
Weekly 3rd Place
Daily Feature
Weekly 2nd Place
Weekly Users' Choice
Daily Feature
Monthly 3rd Place
Audio Trophies
Weekly Users' Choice
Best of the Month